Saturday, May 12, 2012

Lazy Shoezan built all by herself

I received this e-mail from a lady who has bought the plans and has sent me a picture of her finished product. Thank you for sending this!

I love my lazy shoezan!!! It took me 2 weeks to build, spent about 2 hrs a day. I bought everything precut, thanks to Home Depot. I just had to paint and put everything together. I'm 5'1", 105lbs (GIRL) and I put it together all by myself, no help at all from my husband. This was installed in my downstair closet right under the stairs so it was a perfect spot. I wanted to put a top flat wood on top so I can have additional storage but then I got pregnant and my project came to a screeching halt, so this is what I have so far. 


1 comment:

  1. Who says you need a man to make things when you can do it yourself and read instructions!
